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The 394,023 steam locomotive of the Hungarian Museum of Transport and the Mk48,2006 at Debrecen-Fatelep


Photo by: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2012:10:06 10:31:51


PicID: 11429
Tags: Debrecen-Fatelep 333 394 394 023 Mk48 2006 gözmozdony kisvasút nosztalgia vonat napos futoház fekete-fehér Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

Replay of an old moment: the driver of the locomotive that returned from line duty to the depot brought some fresh fruits from a tree along the line (something completely different happend though).

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Photo by Takács Bence

Copyright 2005-2014. www.benbe.hu. Railway photography gallery of Takács Bence.

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