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The M62 108 pulling his stone train towards Püspökhatvan

(Nógrádvármegyei HÉV)

The M62 108 pulling his stone train towards Püspökhatvan photo

Author: Takács Bence
Captured at: unknown


High quality picture

PicID: 5312
Tags: Acsa-Erdőkürt Püspökhatvan 78 M62 M62 108 borult barna és zöld dízelmozdony esemény fenyofa hegyek hegyi vasút különleges téma magaslatról nádas nyílt vonal osz riport szántóföld táj teleobjektív pörekocsi tehervonat vicinális legjobb levelek Szergej

The freight train finally appeared with loud roars and screeching. They came with about 30 kph so they weren’t in a hurry. They could have gone faster but there was no need: weekend timetable is loose.

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Photo by Takács Bence

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