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The 490,039 departing from Hűvösvölgy

(Budapesti Gyermekvasút)

The 490,039 departing from Hűvösvölgy photo

Author: Takács Bence
Captured at: unknown


High quality picture

PicID: 7679
Tags: Hűvösvölgy Hárs-hegy 7 490 490 039 borult kisvasút havas havas fák álló formátum erdo tél nyílt vonal gözmozdony nosztalgia vonat muvészi legjobb hangulat szembol teleobjektív Kárpát-medencei kisvasút

And this is THE PHOTO I came for! I've been waiting for half an hour then, but when I heared the distant puffing and whistling of the good old steamer, I felt so changed. It was awesome, despite only a steam loco and some snow was all of it (and the live steam trains run all year, so in fact there's nothing special).

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Photo by Takács Bence

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