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The Bzmot 341 between Magyarnándor and Becske alsó

(Nógrádvármegyei HÉV)

The Bzmot 341 between Magyarnándor and Becske alsó photo

Author: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2009:04:08 10:13:11


High quality picture

PicID: 7842
Tags: Magyarnándor Becske alsó 78 Bzmot Bzmot 341 napos táj magaslatról nyílt vonal mellékvonal vicinális tavasz fák szántóföld hegyek motorkocsi Bézé

One of my favourite parts on the line is here, near Becske, where the railway goes one valley behind the village. That's why the two stops of the village are located far to the North and far to the South from the village, where roads get to the railway again.

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Photo by Takács Bence

Copyright 2005-2024. www.benbe.hu. Railway photography gallery of Takács Bence.

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