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The 6341 028-6 is passing the foresignal of the triangle at Békéscsaba

(Alföld-Fiumei Vasút, Szeged-Békéscsaba vasútvonal)

The 6341 028-6 is passing the foresignal of the triangle at Békéscsaba photo

Author: Garamvölgyi Ádám
Captured at: 2009:06:06


High quality picture

PicID: 8233
Tags: Békéscsaba Fürjes 135 6341 6341 028 napos nyílt vonal nyár jelzö elöjelzö veteményes wedgie bárányfelhok motorkocsi Uzsgyi MÁV piros motorvonat alakjelzö

There haven't been a freight train from this line directly to the main line in ages, so the signalman has a pretty monotonous duty.

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Photo by Garamvölgyi Ádám

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