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The M41 2174 at Mátészalka station

Photo by: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2007:10:14 06:02:18


PicID: 3561
Tags: Mátészalka 110 113 114 115 M41 M41 2174 napos By dízelmozdony együttállás Csörgő

At the second day of my trip to Debrecen I went further than the Civis City and visited Mátészalka, the terminus of the notorious ’Train Noire’, the weekly train which poor workmen of Szabolcs took to get to the factories of Budapest more than 200 kms away, a train that had a reputation of being the toughest one in Europe. Now this Mátészalka is the centre of a pretty true to type regional railway - of course not without problems.

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Photo by Takács Bence

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