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The M41 2105 at Hatvan

(MÁV Budapest-Ruttka fővonal)

The M41 2105 at Hatvan photo

Author: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2006:11:04 11:28:14


High quality picture

PicID: 6128
Tags: Mátravidéki Erőmű Hatvan 81 M41 M41 2155 napos posta-Bhv nyílt vonal keret legjobb kökény bárányfelhok dízelmozdony elmúlt Csörgő

Sorry for the sloe: when I took this picture, no one knew the M41s are leaving Hatvan. Statistics say that my archive photos don't grab more attention than any other, so I believe the key is to have a nice shot, that's more important than to have an old one.

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Photo by Takács Bence

Copyright 2005-2024. www.benbe.hu. Railway photography gallery of Takács Bence.

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