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The MÁV Nosztalgia kft. - Szabadtéri Néprajzi Múzeum BCmot 422 seen between Sztaravoda-patak and Kovácsműhely

The MÁV Nosztalgia kft. - Szabadtéri Néprajzi Múzeum BCmot 422 seen between Sztaravoda-patak and Kovácsműhely photo

Author: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2011:10:08 11:20:14


High quality picture

PicID: 20255
Tags: Sztaravoda-patak Kovácsműhely 410 BC mot BCmot 422 motorkocsi Frigyláda napos nyílt vonal legjobb táj szélmalom bárányfelhok falu épület osz nosztalgia vonat homlokátjáró

The Skanzen, or open-air ethnic museum comes from Sweden but is a very popular kind of museum in Central and Eastern Europe. Its aim is to show how people lived in the areas where the industrial revolution had little effect, mostly in villages with only agriculture or hand-crafts as an income. The buildings are authentic ones brought here from various villages in the Carpathian basin, accurately dismantled and then rebuilt in a new location. The buildings are thematically arranged on the museum grounds so that buildings from the same region form a typical village from there with the most common or most interesting buildings. There is also a variety of craftsmen houses rebuilt complete with their interior, and the most spectacular is probably the windmill from Dusnok which is typical to Central-Hungary. It creates a lovely motive to take a photo of the train with and it is quite like the original: the Szolnok-Szentes mainline also runs next to a windmill at Bagimajor.

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Photo by Takács Bence

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