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The MÁV-START 416 025 seen at Jobbágyi

The MÁV-START 416 025 seen at Jobbágyi photo

Author: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2019:04:19 09:26:13


High quality picture

PicID: 21650
Tags: Jobbágyi 81 6341 416 025 Uzsgyi motorkocsi MÁV piros motorvonat alakjelzö

MÁV-START is refurbishing all its class 416/6341 (Russian-built) railcar fleet and repainting them into the company colours. Previously, diesels were red and electrics were blue, now everything becomes blue-yellow-white, which suites the Sprinter/Brick nicknamed railcars better than the original livery. The transition is going to take many years and this is the first time I managed to take a photo of a refurbished railcar, and, to increase the awesomeness of the photo, together with an old livery specimen.

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Photo by Takács Bence

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