The M41 2330 between Balatonkenese-Üdüvlőtelep and Balatonakarattya
(MÁV Észak-Balatoni vonal)
Photo by: Takács Bence
Captured at: 2010:12:19 14:43:51
After the tunnel there is nothing interesting for the railway photographer, as the rails stick to the edge of the cliff, but everything is obscured by the overgrown foliage. But there's a trek starting from the viewpoint in a slight slope that crosses the rails somewhere between the tunnel and Kenese-Üdülőtelep, where the rails are a bit further from the trees and bushes, and even the lake can be put in the composition.
Photo by Takács Bence
Copyright 2005-2014. Railway photography gallery of Takács Bence.